Energy Star 7.0 Criteria Updates
Why is ENERGY STAR UPDATING criteria to 7.0?
The new 7.0 performance specifications have been in development for the past four years, tested by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, the EPA, and the Department of Energy. They will officially go into effect on October 23, 2023.
In part, updating the requirements is a reaction to market saturation of ENERGY STAR products and is intended to help drive innovation and change. Additionally, the estimated energy cost savings, if 7.0 is adopted nationwide on all residential windows and doors sold, exceeds $156 billion annually, with over 53 billion pounds of yearly greenhouse gas emissions reduced.
What are the high-level differences between 6.0 and 7.0?
- Continued changes toward more energy efficient window and door products
- Lower U-Factors with SHGC changes, designed to improve efficiency.
- There are some changes to ENERGY STAR Qualification zone map (see below)
In part, updating the requirements is a reaction to market saturation of ENERGY STAR products and is intended to help drive innovation and change. Additionally, the estimated energy cost savings, if 7.0 is adopted nationwide on all residential windows and doors sold, exceeds $156 billion annually, with over 53 billion pounds of yearly greenhouse gas emissions reduced.

What should contractors tell homeowners?
Windows that meet 7.0 criteria are a long-term investment which will make homes more comfortable in every season and reduce the cost of regular energy bills.
Homeowners who choose 7.0 rated windows and doors can save thousands in energy costs over the lifetime of these products, while helping to reduce emissions.

Source: ENERGY STAR Version7.0 Residential Windows, Doors and Skylight Package
What does this mean for Kas-Kel products?
Kas-Kel has some options available to meet the energy requirements of any application.
Our glass packages meet new requirements for most configurations with:
- Dual Low-E Coatings and Triple Pane
On October 23, zone compliance will be updated to ENERGY STAR 7.0 on printed labels.
Homeowners who choose 7.0 rated windows and doors can save thousands in energy costs over the lifetime of these products, while helping to reduce emissions.
What does this mean for new construction builders?
Kas-Kel’s lineup of energy efficient glass packages provide a range of U-factors and SHGCs, allowing customers to find the right balance between project expenses and future savings.
Programs such as Advanced Window Solutions (PAWS) or the Home Energy Rating System (HERBS) can help builders navigate while building variables to find solutions that meet stretch codes and location specific incentive program criteria.
Is ENERGY STAR 7.0 Required?
It depends on the type of project and local, state, or national codes. Rely on local resources and inspectors to help you determine the best glass package for your specific application.