As spring arrives, the Window Safety Task Force in partnership with the National Safety Council encourages parents and caregivers to recognize the importance of practicing window safety year-round. Window Safety Week is observed during the first full week of April each year. However, open windows can be dangerous any time of year for young children who are not properly supervised.
Each year, the Window Safety Task Force takes the first full week in April to educate about the importance of practicing window safety year-round.
Falls from a window can result in serious injury or death and pose an especially dangerous threat for children. Every year, about eight children under age five die from falling out a window, and more than 3,300 are injured seriously enough to go to the hospital.*
It only takes seconds for a preventable window fall to occur, To avoid these needless tragedies, it is very important for parents and caregivers to take steps to prevent home falls.
To protect children, the Window Safety Task Force offers the following tips:

Visit, as well as the window safety sections of the FGIA and WDMA websites to learn more. Follow the Window Safety Task Force on Twitter and Facebook for more tips and updates on this important safety issue.
* According to Safe Kids Worldwide’s 2015 Report to the Nation: Protecting Children in Your Home

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